
New Jersey Retired Police & Firemen's Association

Hudson County - Local 4



My name is Tom Willis. I retired in 2011 from the Hudson County Sheriff's Office where I served for 27 years. During my career I was a Founding and Charter member of PBA 334 and later a State Delegate for FOP Supervisors Lodge 127. After retiring from the Sheriff's Office, I worked in Emergency Management until January 2020. I also have experience in both the Fire Service and EMS. 


After speaking with State President Joe Valdora, we have decided to re-establish Local 4 which sadly, some 10+ years ago became inactive. 


A Facebook page was created as a form of communication regarding the progress of Local 4 to reconnect with former local 4 members and to establish an interest with potential new members, both of which is needed to be a viable local. 


I believe word of mouth will be important here so please share this information with our retired brothers and sisters. Obviously, I cannot go this alone so if anyone is interested, please reach out to me as, in addition to membership an Executive Board will need to be established. For anyone interested please email your info to I will get an application out to you as soon as they become available. 

Having worked in Hudson County is not a requirement and I am hoping to have our neighboring Bergen County brothers and sisters get involved as well. This is a State Association with many locals and active membership is open to any full-time, paid, law enforcement officer and any full-time, paid firefighter who has retired and is receiving a pension from a state, county, local or federal pension system covering paid, full-time law enforcement officers and firefighters. 


In closing, please like and share our Facebook page @NJSRPFA4 (or click on the link below)and please check back for future updates. Thank You in advance for your anticipated membership and participation in a successful Local 4. 

