New Jersey Retired Police & Firemen's Association
Local 3 - Union & Somerset Counties
Welcome to the New Jersey Retired Police and Firefighters Association, Local 3 of Union & Somerset Counties.
The NJRPFA was established in 1987 to promote and develop a friendly spirit among its members, both retired and associate members. Its main mission is to promote and encourage legislative action at the Federal, State and Municipal levels of government in protecting and improving the PENSION, HEALTH BENEFITS and GENERAL WELFARE of police and firefighter retirees as well as their survivors and/or other beneficiaries. There are over 3,000 members of the association in various county Locals in NJ, as well as Local 22 in the State of Florida. These members are retirees from State, County and Local Firefighters, Police, Sheriff, Prosecutors, and Attorney General's Office to name a few. These members reside in NJ, NY, PA, FL, VA, SC and many other states.
If you live in Union County or Somerset County, please consider joining our Local to keep abreast of major issues which may impact on your retirement benefits and issues that may be of value to you. Our yearly dues are $10.00