
New Jersey Retired Police & Firemen's Association
Standing Strong Together!


As there is a Pension Board Meeting on January 13, 2025, the NJRPFA State Meeting that was re-scheduled for Monday January 13th, 2025 is being postponed until Tuesday, January 14, 2025  at 12:00 noon  at the Same location - Willingboro FOP Hall on Rt. 130 N, in Willingboro, NJ.

It is requested all locals return their current roster sent to them so that a phone tree can be made to contact locals for date changed

Welcome to the home of the New Jersey Retired Policemen & Firemen's Association. This organization, through both the local chapters and the state offices, provides its members with a community of its brethren as well as access to our elected officials and government resources. Our members come from all branches of public service and are spread throughout the country.  

NJRP&FA is committed to the well-being and support of each and every member, each of whom remains at the ready to always Defend & Serve the people of New Jersey and the United States of America.

Please remember to check out the Important News Page.


Open Letter to the Active and Retired Members of the PFRS and Certifying Officers from Chairman Ed Donnelly, PFRSNJ Board of Trustees - April 30, 2019

H.R. 218, the "Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act" and S. 1132, the "Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act Improvements Act"